On Bees and Honey

Do you like surprises? What about free stuff?
Join our Soap of the Month Club. Get two bars of soap of a new kind each month. Lock a great price. If you love surprises too, join our Soap...
Do you like surprises? What about free stuff?
Join our Soap of the Month Club. Get two bars of soap of a new kind each month. Lock a great price. If you love surprises too, join our Soap...

Soaps for the busy gardener!
Hi, This is Adriana, the beekeeper from South Mountain Bees. Since the pandemic started, we've all learned how to wash our hands better. We all learned how long 20 seconds...
Soaps for the busy gardener!
Hi, This is Adriana, the beekeeper from South Mountain Bees. Since the pandemic started, we've all learned how to wash our hands better. We all learned how long 20 seconds...

Checking the bees in the apiary
An inspection of the hives who have been suffering from relentless robbing attacks during the summer dearth.
Checking the bees in the apiary
An inspection of the hives who have been suffering from relentless robbing attacks during the summer dearth.

It happened again. My bees got attacked yesterday.
Hi, This is Adriana, the beekeeper from South Mountain Bees. Earlier this month my bees were attacked. I started making screens to protect the other hives, and then the Japanese...
It happened again. My bees got attacked yesterday.
Hi, This is Adriana, the beekeeper from South Mountain Bees. Earlier this month my bees were attacked. I started making screens to protect the other hives, and then the Japanese...

Do your lips get dry when you garden?
This has been the strangest gardening season ever. For once, it started early. We had such a mild winter that tree sprouts and bulb shoots were up a few weeks...
Do your lips get dry when you garden?
This has been the strangest gardening season ever. For once, it started early. We had such a mild winter that tree sprouts and bulb shoots were up a few weeks...

Not only bees
Blue lobelia attracts butterflies like the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail both in the common yellow version as well as in the dark-phase form.
Not only bees
Blue lobelia attracts butterflies like the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail both in the common yellow version as well as in the dark-phase form.