We are thrilled to let you know we submitted three products to the 2017 New Jersey Beekeepers Association Honey Show and we received four awards. Our Calendula and Orange Soap ranked not only first in the Soap Category, but best in the Cosmetics Division, which included creams, lotions, soaps and lip balm. After winning the Red Ribbon in 2015 and 2016, we finally made it to the top in the State competition. This year they were wrapped as bunnies.
(photo by Mary Lorber-Devlin Sadlowski)
Our Beeswax Lip Balm came in first in the Lip Balm Category for a second consecutive year, and it remains one of our most popular products. This was our first year submitting a honey entry, and we participated in the Light Honey Category winning third prize.
Winning entries were on display at the New Jersey State House in Trenton helping bring awareness of the importance of beekeeping for agriculture and the environment. Landi Simone, NJBA Honey Show Chair, acknowledges the hard work that goes into preparing entries for the show and emphasizes how it benefits all beekeepers in the State of New Jersey.
(photo by John Gaut)
Thursday, February 2, was a long day of careful scrutiny. This year the judges were Don Hopkins and Lewis Cauble, both North Carolina State Inspectors. They did a great job and added many constructive comments on the judging sheets.
(Don Hopkins evaluating amber honey -- photo by John Gaut)
(Lewis Cauble contemplating the Best in Show honey frame entry -- photo by John Gaut)
All first place winning entries will be auctioned at the NJBA Winter Meeting on February 11 in Bordentown, New Jersey.