Hi, This is Adriana, the beekeeper from South Mountain Bees.
I love summer pollinators. This tiger swallowtail was flitting gracefully from coneflower to coneflower yesterday, and the sunset light was hitting it perfectly.
Despite being cooped up indoors most of the time because of the heat, I enjoy gardening and watching how these native plants attract these beautiful creatures. But being outdoors means that my skin gets dry from the sun, the wind and the soil, not to mention all that extra diligent hand washing.
Luckily our moisturizing cream with Shea butter and vitamin E can help. It is so concentrated that a few drops will coat your face and both hands. You'll experience immediate relief, and lasting benefits.
Carol, a nurse from Maplewood, New Jersey, said: "After trying the moisturizer yesterday on my hands I can tell you it's sensational! After several washings my hands still felt smooth and that for me is a miracle."
Last but not least, remember that you get a free pollinator friendly plant with each local purchase. Just choose from lemon balm, coneflower, catnip, shiso, peppermint, blue lobelia, and more (while supplies last).