The Cyber 5 frenzy is over, and it's time to shift our focus and be grateful for
what we have. If we missed some great deals, it's not so bad after all. There are so many people in our community who suffer food insecurities, and many who don't even have a place to call home, that missing out on a sale is not the end of the world.
Did you notice that every time you go to a new doctor's office they give you a ton of forms to fill out, and in each one of those forms we have to write name and address over and over? I have the same name, I live in the same place..., and then I realize that I always had an address. I give that for granted. Don't you?
I wonder how people who don't have an address manage at all. Without an address, you fall off the system. It's harder to get help. How can people find you? Where can you receive mail? When they become homeless, many people lose Internet access, and with the pandemic, even public libraries had restricted access.

Fortunately, there are angels on this Earth like Linda Flores-Tober, the Executive Director of the Elizabeth Coalition to House the Homeless, who dedicates her life to not only helping find homes for families who became homeless, but also help prevent families from becoming homeless.
If this has been a challenging two years for most of us. Can you imagine being at risk of becoming homeless? I can't. It is terrifying. But unfortunately, it is a reality for many families in our community.
Ms Flores-Tober shared this quote, "I had to submit an accounting of one of our family's deposits for the year for a government program. Her total deposits including paychecks were less than $2500. If it were not for this program, they would have become homeless during the pandemic with a newborn. This is what poverty looks like now. Working families with few opportunities, just literally living day-to-day. What always strikes me is her cheerfulness. She inspires me to be grateful for my own abundance."
Often we feel discouraged, because whatever we can do feels like a drop in the bucket, that it won't make a difference. Do you feel this way sometimes?
We should fight the misleading thought that because we can't do everything it isn't worth doing anything. If we can make a difference in somebody's life, if we can make them feel better, even for a moment, it is worth the effort.

That's why I want to invite you to join me in this Buy One, Give One campaign in which we join forces to share a little love with those who have less.
That's why from now until Friday, for every lip balm or soap that you buy, we will donate one to the families served by the Coalition. Last year we donated lip balm, and the year before, we donated soaps. So this year we are donating both soaps and lip balms.
This is what we are going to do. For every lip balm or soap that you purchase until December 3, South Mountain Bees will donate one lip balm or soap on your behalf. So buying one, you also give one at no extra cost to you. We will take care of the difference.
The Buy One Give One campaign will run from November 30 to December 3.
The more you buy, the more we donate.
No code needed. Just purchase any lip balm or soap of your choice, and if you buy a gift set that has a lip balm and a soap in it, we'll match those too!